Saturday, July 09, 2011

Script Registered

        Today, I registered my very first script/screenplay. I’m pretty damn excited about it, too. I’m not one to start something and finish it; ridiculous, right? Meh, I start a lot of things and never finish them. I have a hard drive FULL of stories I’ve begun and maybe three of them have actual endings. Not including my script, I can think of two off the top of my head.
What usually happens is, I’ll be on fire writing whatever it is I’m writing (it’s usually self-serving, which is why I’m not a published author – that thing in high school, barely counts) and then I’ll get to a point where I’ve either run out of ideas or I’m bored with the story.
I think I figured out what it is. I write when someone catches my fancy. Most of my stories are based loosely on fictionalized versions of whomever I’m lusting after at the moment or on characters whomever I’m lusting after at the moment happens to have played. Another reason I’m not published (when I say ‘published’, I also mean ‘paid’), can’t get paid for fan-fiction. I wouldn’t want to anyway, that’d be a li’l odd. Anyway.
Before I can get a story finished, my fancy fades, and I’m off on a tangent and looking at some other handsome male. Because I love my men. Everything about them; I fucking love men. And because I love my men, I don’t stay focused for very long; there are so many gorgeous creatures out there, I’m surprised my head hasn’t fallen off from swiveling.
I will die if I ever go blind because the idea of never being able to see the handsome face of my husband ever again is devastating. Seriously, he’s pretty gorgeous; I’m not just sayin’ that. The man takes care of himself and he’s hot.
So, anyway, I finished a script. I have probably three others started, two or three other ideas sketched out, and one actually done. I registered it, so all I need now is money! Ha, ha-ha. Well, and my actor, but that’s…later.
On top of those, I’m ‘scribbling’ little silly anecdotes as I used to. Trying to get back to where I started and figure out how to work it into my own thing. I might start posting those; I haven’t decided yet. We’ll…see.
Anyone wanna give me some money to make a movie in the meantime? *lol*


  1. If I had money I would so help lol in the meantime I am proud of you
