Wednesday, August 03, 2011

What I Learned in Kindergarten Wednesday

I realize I didn't post yesterday, but let's just come to terms early on in this relationship that it's likely I'm going to miss days. Hopefully, not many, but I'm just not always feeling the need to write and in order for whatever it is I'm talking/thinking about to come out even remotely coherently, I need to want to write about it. Otherwise, you get a bunch of garbled mess, which I'm trying desperately to avoid!

Anyway, I was too busy dancing around my house to Madonna. Starting with True Blue, which brought back so many great memories, I'm going to have to keep it on my favorites. I was eight or nine when it came out and I remember dancing on our pool deck (hand-built by my father, as our pool was also dug by himself! I'm tellin' you my dad is a BAMF) with the cassette tape playing the tape deck rocking out with my neighborhood girlfriends. Fun! But, I was a tangent alright, just not one that allowed me to sit down long enough to type out anything about how it was making me feel. So, that was it in a nutshell!

Anyway, today I sent off a letter to a production company to see if they'd be interested in working with me. I went in sort of silly, but that's my personality and I figure, this is how I'm going to be when they meet me face to face, so why act one way I'm not right off?

What does this have to do with What I Learned In Kindergarten? Well, in kindergarten, I was taught about manners (like anyone uses those these days, seriously) and to always be polite and gracious. I've been those two things my entire life and I've learned that really only those who are aggressive in some form will get anywhere. I've been too afraid to be aggressive in things that I've wanted for myself for whatever reason and I'm done. I'm not going to be an outright bitch about things, but I am gonna do Me and do it well. ;)

My script's getting picked up and I'm getting this thing going!


  1. You go girl! I think you do YOU perfectly <3 Nothing like learning the difference of going for what you want/desire and being headstrong and determined vs. being a Bitch. However, I think in some ways we have to blame society for that one as many people seem to get the two confused. Even though women have many rights, we are still held back and taught to be timid in many ways! Go get em girl and I look forward to the day you are PUBLISHED!!! <3

  2. Thanks Mamma! It took me a while to get here (you know that in a way only a handful can say), but I'm finally here and there's no looking back now!

    Love you! Thank you! So much!
